Top 7 Online Yoga Schools + How to Choose the Best Online Yoga Teacher Training

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Logan Hailey

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Jagpreet Kaur

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Key Takeaway

Online yoga schools offer flexible, accredited teacher training programs that enhance your teaching skills and deepen your practice from anywhere.

Whether you dream of teaching others the healing power of yoga or deepening your personal practice, yoga teacher training can be one of the most transformative experiences of your life.

But not everybody has the luxury of pausing their entire life for a multi-week yoga training course.

Online yoga teacher training is more affordable and flexible than its in-person counterparts. It is just as credible and may even open up more career opportunities in the world of yoga… Passive income from a yoga YouTube channel? Online yoga courses? Virtual 1-on-1 clients? There are so many possibilities!

Here are the 7 top-rated Yoga Alliance-accredited online yoga schools, plus pricing comparisons and honest reviews of each course.

Prefer video? Here’s one of the top 7 best online yoga teacher training:


Advantages of Yoga Teacher Training From Online Yoga Schools

While it may seem like online training is less legitimate than an in-person yoga school, modern tech has flipped the script. With so many people moving to remote work and education, online trainings have a range of advantages that you may not experience in a typical offline course:

  • Go at your own pace: The most common reason for seeking an online YTT is the freedom to move at your own pace. Online courses are far easier for busy people with full-time careers, families, or other obligations. You don’t have to show up every day or every weekend for the course. Instead, you can fit it into your schedule at a pace that works for you.
  • International recognition: Whether you’re in Canada, the U.S., or abroad, online yoga schools allow you to become a certified yoga teacher in any country. Most certifications are recognized around the world thanks to the Yoga Alliance.
  • Access content forever: The best online yoga schools offer lifetime access to your yoga training materials. This means you can always refer back to yoga asanas, anatomy, physiology, class scripts, sequences, and teaching materials.
  • Personalization: Several online yoga teacher trainings offer a more personalized approach to gaining your teaching accreditation. This means you can have 1-on-1 calls with instructors or choose specific “electives” and routes you’d like to take within the larger curriculum. Look for interactive live calls and Zoom meetings that keep you directly interacting with students and your instructor(s).

Disadvantages of Online Yoga Schools

The most obvious drawback of learning to teach yoga online is you don’t have a direct in-person experience with your teachers and fellow students. You don’t get to share in their energy, nor do you have the opportunity to learn hands-on adjustments and

  • Lack of hands-on teaching: Teaching yoga is undeniably a personal experience that involves interacting with people on an energetic level. Online learning does not offer the same social experience as real-life training. You don’t get to learn how to do hands-on adjustments or read the energy of a room as you lead a sequence. However, some online yoga schools may guide you toward a yoga studio mentorship. Alternatively, you may not need hands-on experience if you want to teach online.
  • Internet access required: It should be obvious that signing up for an online yoga school typically requires reliable internet access. While some schools may offer offline or downloadable course materials, you will still need a computer and reliable internet to stream videos, download the curriculum, and participate in group calls or live training.
  • More self-discipline: Without the schedule of an in-person course, you will definitely need more discipline to “show up” to your teacher training every week. This means allotting specific time blocks in your busy schedule to sit down and work through the course. You will also have to find balance with maintaining a consistent personal practice.

Levels of Yoga Teacher Training

If you want to build a career as a yoga instructor in the United States, it all begins with a standard yoga certification program. There are three main types of yoga training, each with incrementally more depth and information.

The basics are covered in a 200-hour yoga teacher training. For continuing education, you can move on to a 300 RYT course. The highest level of advanced yoga certification is 500 RYT.

Here are the details of each, plus some core vocabulary to help you understand

What’s the Difference Between RYT and YTT?

RYT stands for Registered Yoga Teacher and YTT stands for Yoga Teacher Training. An RYT must complete an accredited YTT to become certified with Yoga Alliance.

Your “Bachelor’s Degree”: 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification

This is the most basic building block for a yoga teaching career. It is the core requirement for entry-level courses for teaching yoga in most studios or gyms. Completing a 200-hour course- whether online or in person- makes you a 200-RYT that can be registered with Yoga Alliance.

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Being Yoga Alliance Certified means you are more credible when searching for studio jobs. The internationally recognized organization also sets core guidelines for teacher training, yoga teacher insurance, and a range of benefits for members.

In general, 200-hour yoga teacher training courses cover:

  • Yoga philosophy and history
  • Basic anatomy and physiology
  • Reading traditional texts such as Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras or the Hatha Yoga Pradipika
  • Basic Sanskrit words
  • Core asanas and sequences
  • Teaching scripts, methodology, and adjustments
  • Contact hours under the guidance of a lead trainer

A 200-hour course is like a liberal arts bachelor’s degree: it gives you a broad foundation on the principles of yoga so that you can kick-start your career and later deepen your focus on a select branch or style.

You can learn more about Yoga Alliance’s specific credential standards here.

Your “Master’s Degree”: 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification

A 300-hour yoga instructor course is a great way to differentiate yourself from other beginning yoga teachers. It shows studio managers or gym owners that you have taken the extra step to advance your education.

A 300-hour course is sort of like the “master’s” degree after you complete your bachelor’s. You need to already be a 200 RYT to advance into a 300-hour training.

300-hour training typically includes:

  • Building on foundational skills from a 200 YTT
  • How to teach and perform advanced and challenging asanas
  • A deeper understanding of yogic philosophy, meditation, and
  • How to design and sequence yoga classes
  • Advanced yoga anatomy and physiology
  • More hands-on “contact hour” requirements

The “pHD of Yoga”: 500-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification

A 500-hour training is the highest internationally recognized standard for yoga teachers. It allows you to register as an Advanced Yoga Teacher or 500-RYT.

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Continuing with the college analogy, this is the highest level or “pHD” of yoga teacher accreditation.

500 RYT instructors have an incredibly in-depth understanding of the history, philosophy, and practice of yoga, including advanced asanas and more specific styles of teaching.

Most 500-hour yoga teacher training courses are a combination of 200-hour and 300-hour courses, plus optional specializations like inversions, partner yoga, or Bikram.

500-hour training typically includes more depth about meditation techniques, daily intensive courses, and advancements in your practice.

What is Required to Start a Yoga Teacher Training Program?

Most 200-hour yoga programs recommend that you have maintained a consistent personal practice for at least 1 year. However, an open mind and open heart are the only real requirements. It is helpful to feel comfortable practicing yoga and have a basic understanding of the postures so that you get the most out of the experience.

You also need ample time and energy to dedicate to learning the materials and doing the “contact hours” practicum:

  • In regular in-person yoga teacher training, this means practicing your teaching skills with fellow trainees and the guidance of an instructor.
  • In online training, you may get these “contact hours” through live sessions and mentoring.
  • Some training may also include working in person with a mentor at a local studio.

How to Choose a Yoga Teacher Training

Choosing an online yoga teacher training is no simple task: You will likely be dropping a couple hundred to a couple of thousand dollars for an in-depth course that

Here are the top 6 most important things to consider before digging into your training options:

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  1. Goals and Style
  2. Price
  3. Course Structure
  4. Instructors
  5. Reputation and Accreditation
  6. Community and Reviews

We’ll cover each of these in-depth below and then explore which yoga schools fit the bill.

Goals and Style

First things first, define your purpose and priorities for yoga teacher training. Without this guiding “north star”, your money and time could feel wasted on a yoga teacher training that didn’t meet your needs.

Do you want to teach yoga at a local studio? Grow your social media following. Teach children’s yoga at schools or senior yoga at the local YMCA?

Are you seeking to deepen your practice and not necessarily pursue teaching yoga as a career?

Are you more interested in Vinyasa yoga, Bikram, or Hatha yoga? Do you feel more drawn to a specific style or school of thought? What sounds like the most fun to you?

The clearer you can be about your answers to these questions, the easier it will be to find a yoga course that is right for you.


Next, define your budget. The average yoga teacher training for a 200 YTT is $1,000 to $3,500 USD. There are cheaper and more expensive classes depending on the yoga style, accrediting organization, and level of advancement.

When looking at the pricing of online yoga schools, consider:

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  • Do they offer monthly payment plans?
  • Is there a money-back guarantee if you’re dissatisfied?
  • Do they hold your hand through your final certification and registration process?
  • Is their tuition higher because they offer live calls and more interaction?
  • Do they offer scholarships?
  • Are they accredited?

With the average yoga teacher salary in the U.S. ranging from $13,000 to $100,000 per year and $48,700 to $168,00 CAD, it can be difficult to gauge what tuition cost feels right for you.

A cheaper option might make sense for a hobbyist, whereas a more expensive, highly accredited certification would definitely be worth it for someone who is rock solid in their vision of a longer-term yoga career.

Learn more in our ultimate guide to How Much Do Yoga Instructors Make? + 7 Tips on How to Make More Money as a Yoga Teacher

Course Structure

How is the online yoga curriculum delivered? There is a huge diversity of platforms and delivery methods for online training.

If you are someone who craves more structure, you may opt for a group-paced cohort course with regular weekly check-ins.

On the other hand, if you want the full freedom of a self-paced course, you may opt for a course that presents you with all the modules at once and lets you work through them on your own time.

Also, consider if you like to have handheld course materials. Some trainings also offer course materials in book or binder form. They may be printable or mailed to you. Others are strictly for virtual reference.

See if you can get a sneak peek of a course’s specific structure before committing to it. There may be a combination of:

  • Pre-recorded videos
  • Slideshows
  • Printouts of course materials
  • A course notebook
  • Live group Zoom calls
  • 1-on-1 live sessions

Beyond these nuances of course delivery, the most important consideration is how much guidance you receive. There are lots of bogus courses out there that leave you completely on your own when it comes to:

  • Filing forms and paperwork for your certification
  • Tracking your assignments and hours
  • Figuring out how to submit materials and meet requirements
  • Finding students to practice teaching with

The best online yoga teacher training will hold your hand through the process so that you don’t feel rushed, confused, or overwhelmed.

This 1-on-1 guidance is SO important for your success. It is what sets apart cheap, poorly planned teacher training from legit, well-prepared courses that match the rigor of in-person training.


Who is the lead teacher trainer? This is the most basic question for any school, but it is especially important online. You want to know that your yoga teacher training instructor has the real-world experience of teaching yoga and training instructors.

Let’s be brutally honest: These days, almost anyone can get on the internet and create an online course. There are a lot of imposters out there trying to make a quick buck without the background experience necessary to make them a true expert.

Your online teaching instructors don’t necessarily need to be the most experienced or Instagram-famous yogis around, but you want to be sure that they have a solid 5-10 years of teaching experience.

It’s also important to consider their teaching style and delivery. Are they bubbly and passionate or quiet and monotone? Do you like their personality and feel a good overall “vibe” from their videos?

Trust us, you don’t want to get stuck in teacher training with an instructor that bores or annoys the crap out of you. Do your research on the teacher(s) ahead of time to be sure they fit your expectations!

Check out their YouTube, social media, or brick-and-mortar yoga studio.

If they don’t publicly teach yoga online or in person, that is definitely a red flag!

Reputation and Accreditation

Beneath shiny websites and beautiful sales pages, it can be hard to find the real reputation of an online yoga school. The first step is to look at their accreditation.

A Yoga Alliance-registered yoga school is the most common and trusted accreditation for yoga training. If you want to get a yoga teaching job and earn a YA yoga teacher certification, we highly recommend choosing a Yoga Alliance-certified yoga school.

This organization sets a base standard for holding schools accountable and ensuring that your teacher training covers all the foundational knowledge that you need to successfully, safely, and effectively teach yoga at a professional level.

Community and Reviews

Last but not least, you’ll want to make sure that your online training includes some level of community interaction. The yoga community can be quite tight-knit and it is so helpful to go through training with a cohort of fellow students that are routing you on.

See if your teacher training includes yoga community interaction such as:

  • Interactive discussion board
  • Peer-to-peer conversations
  • Live community Zoom calls
  • In-person meetups or future conference opportunities
  • Reviews from others in the yoga community

Top 7 200 RYT Online Yoga Teacher Training Certification Programs

*Note: ALL of our picks are accredited by Yoga Alliance USA or Canada and are internationally Yoga Alliance approved.

  1. Top Pick (Best Value + Quality): Uplifted 200-Hour YTT with Brett Larkin
  2. Best Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training: My Vinyasa Practice Online Yoga Teacher Training
  3. Most Community-Minded: Zazyoga Mindful Movement 200-Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training
  4. Best Indian Tradition Yoga Training: Siddhi Online Yoga Teacher Training Certification (200 hours)
  5. Best Flexible Teacher Training: Santosha Yoga Online 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training
  6. Best Hybrid Course: Radiant Warrior Online Yoga and Mindfulness YTT with Yoga Farm Ithaca
  7. Best Budget Pick: Yoga Renew Online Yoga Training

Top Pick (Best Value + Quality): Uplifted 200-Hour YTT with Brett Larkin

Brett Larkin is one of the earliest pioneers of online yoga schools. She is credited with creating the first opportunity for yogis and aspiring teachers to get certified as yoga instructors through an online course.

This certification program is award-winning and has been widely praised since its founding in 2015. It is often said that Uplifted sets the standard for the most interactive and high-quality online yoga teacher certification

Certifications Offered: 200-hour, 300-hour, 500-hour

Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School: Yes

Style: Hatha/Vinyasa or Kundalini

Price: $2,850 (or $364/month for seven months)

Instructor: Brett Larkin, award-winning YouTuber and yoga teacher with over 15 years of experience

Course Structure: Highly structured cohort style with personalized support

Length: Group-paced, 8-10 hours per week for 16 weeks (4 months)

What’s Included:

  • Lifetime access to class materials and lectures through the Uplifted Yoga Teacher Training app
  • Self-paced with personalized guidance
  • Highly structured with 20 minute easily-digestible videos and corresponding written content
  • 600-page in-depth paper manual shipped to you
  • Weekly live Zoom calls with your cohort of students
  • Group discussion boards
  • Personal access to the instructor for answering questions
  • Tools and tips for making a career teaching yoga
  • Online exams and reviews

Best Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training: My Vinyasa Practice Online Yoga Teacher Training

This affordable and accessible vinyasa training is taught by lead trainers Michelle Young and her colleagues, based out of their studio in Austin, TX. They even offer international retreats there for online students who later want to connect in person!

They have a wide range of accreditations in fields such as nursing, massage therapy, holistic medicine, somatic therapy, and more. They have been registered with Yoga Alliance since 2016 and offer a rich curriculum that combines physical asana practice with spirituality, morality, and philosophy.

This teacher training is particularly convenient and straightforward. They are known for their customer service and support, along with one-on-one connections with lead trainers. If you’re looking for something affordable (under $500 USD!) yet thorough, this is the training for you. They place a great emphasis on embracing your authenticity as a teacher and finding your unique style.

Certifications Offered: 200-hour, 300-hour and 500-hour

Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School: Yes

Google Rating: 4.9/5.0 stars

Style: Vinyasa

Price: $425-$525

Instructor(s): Michelle Young and lead trainers

Course Structure: Self-paced

Length: Flexible

What’s Included:

  • Lifetime access to over 3,500 hours of recorded content
  • One-on-one connections with lead trainers
  • Downloadable sequences, meditations, and scripts
  • Worksheets
  • Podcast content
  • Practice teaching opportunities
  • Optional daily Zoom sessions
  • Live support 7 days per week
  • 200-hour manual
  • Optional certifications in Yoga Nidra, mindfulness coaching, and Ayurvedic nutrition

Most Community-Minded: Zazyoga Mindful Movement 200-Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training

This highly personalized yoga teacher training is all about creating a community through movement and meditation. This online training focuses heavily on Zoom meetings, group live calls, and one-on-one personal feedback.

The Zazyoga Mindful Movement course helps you break through limiting beliefs so you can feel more grounded and confident in your yoga teaching career (and life).

Certifications Offered: 200-hour

Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School: Yes

Style: Vinyasa yoga and Restorative yoga

Price: $1,397 (3, 6, or 12-month payment plans available)

Instructor: Marylene Henry and Ella Trotter, with combined

Course Structure: Self-paced, structured

Length: 30 days or relaxed 1 year self-paced

What’s Included:

  • 1-year course access
  • Weekly live group calls
  • Asana labs
  • 3 one-on-one coaching calls with founder Marylene Henry
  • 2 one-on-one personal practice supervision calls
  • Online teaching practice and rehearsals
  • Printable worksheets, maps, books, and scripts
  • Adjustments video guides
  • Chakra alignment guides

Best Indian Tradition Yoga Training: Siddhi Online Yoga Teacher Training Certification (200 hours)

Siddhi Yoga is one of the top yoga schools in India that teaches students from 90+ countries around the world. Their courses are taught by authentic yoga masters and have over 200 five-star reviews on Facebook as well as 500+ video testimonials. Their training is remarkably affordable and valid internationally.

Because this is a traditional Indian yoga school, their teachings aim to explore more spiritual depth beyond asana. You will learn about meditation, Bhakti yoga, mudras, and traditional texts like the Bhagavad Gita.

Certifications Offered: 200-hour and 300-hour

Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School: Yes

Style: Traditional

Price: $397

Instructor: Indian yoga gurus including Yogacharya Sandeep Pandey, Dr Sumit Sharma, and Shobit Ghanshyala

Course Structure: Self-paced

Length: Flexible

What’s Included:

  • 250+ quality video lessons and high-quality instructional videos organized into modules
  • Daily live sessions
  • One-on-one support and mentoring
  • Lifetime access and regularly updated content
  • Online student community
  • Downloadable digital manual

Best Flexible Teacher Training: Santosha Yoga Online 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

If you’re looking for a yoga teacher training that has the rigor of live in-person training, but the flexibility of a self-paced online course, Santosha is the perfect fit for you. This is the only online yoga school that gives you the free flexibility to create your schedule based on your timezone and needs, yet still participate in live classroom calls.

Santosha’s training is for all levels of experience. Their curriculum draws on an ancient lineage of Indian yoga philosophy called Krishnamachary, which focuses on deep healing through a well-rounded foundation of yoga asana, scriptures, and meditation. They are also passionate about the personal discovery side of yoga teacher training.

Certifications Offered: 200-hour

Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School: Yes

Style: Hatha/Vinyasa yoga

Price: $1,027 USD/$1,323 CAD

Instructor: Sunny Richards, 14+ years of experience training yoga instructors

Course Structure: Fully flexible live training

Length: 10 weeks

What’s Included:

  • Flexible home study with recorded classes
  • Video modules and specialist manuals
  • Interactive live training (2 live Zooms every day for different time zones)
  • Four downloadable yoga teacher training manuals
  • Information about yoga and mental health, trauma-informed yoga teaching, and pre + postnatal yoga
  • The business of becoming a yoga teacher

Best Mental Health Yoga Course: Radiant Warrior Online Yoga and Mindfulness YTT with Yoga Farm Ithaca

Yoga Farm Ithaca is one of the most well-known and popular yoga teacher training schools. They took their entire in-person curriculum online to create a Yoga Alliance-approved school with the highest quality interactive experience. Yoga Farm is a non-profit organization teaching trauma-informed yoga teaching styles. They also won the Top 3 Online Yoga Teacher Training award.

Yoga Farm Ithaca is specifically driven by its mission to eradicate the root causes of anxiety, depression, addiction, and other mental health issues. This training is all about compassion and reconnection with oneself through the practice of yoga philosophy both on and off the mat.

Certifications Offered: 200-hour and 300-hour

Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School: Yes

Style: Hatha/Vinyasa

Price: $1099

Instructors: Daniela Hess Grant, Christopher Grant, and Jeannie O’Neill,

Course Structure: Cohort style self-paced or guided

Length: 3 month

What’s Included:

  • Lifetime access to all course materials
  • Learn core poses and sequences
  • Teach mindfulness meditation
  • Unlimited daily yoga and meditation classes
  • Online global community participation
  • Live office hours several times per week

Best Budget Pick: Yoga Renew Online Yoga Training

If you prefer a more school-like online yoga teacher training, this course includes quizzes and final exams. Yoga Renew is a very affordable option that also adds a level of detail regarding the business of yoga (which is something many yoga teachers regret not learning in their training).

Certifications Offered: 200-hour

Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School: Yes

Style: Multiple

Price: $357

Instructor: Patrick Franco, Radha Devi Om, Lindsey Rozmes, and others

Course Structure: Self-paced

Length: Any

What’s Included:

  • Detailed guides and workbooks about teaching tips, yoga philosophy, sequencing and structure guides, anatomy, and physiology
  • 50 class sequence plans
  • Yoga asana teaching flashcards
  • Weekly pose guides
  • Guided meditation videos
  • Online supportive community
  • Live weekly Zoom calls
  • Weekly inspirational yoga class playlists
  • Yoga resume templates
  • How to get clients + materials for signing on clients
  • Save on yoga teacher insurance through BeYogi

The Importance of Community in Online Yoga Certification

Community development is an important part of online yoga teacher training that is often overlooked. Building a supportive community can greatly improve the training experience.

Finding opportunities to connect with your peers should be a top goal when learning remotely. Online platforms frequently include forums or group chats for interaction. Use these opportunities to build relationships, share ideas, and pool resources.

Engaging with your students can help you gain a better grasp of yoga’s diverse nature. It also reinforces the shared path you’re all on, which can be very encouraging on difficult days. Many effective online yoga teachers emphasize the relationships they formed while training.

Consider joining social media groups dedicated to your online curriculum. This helps to retain connection beyond the course’s boundaries. Many practitioners continue to collaborate and support one another even after the training has ended.

Finally, your development as a yoga instructor flourishes inside a community. Actively endeavor to build a network that motivates and inspires. It can make all the difference in your journey to become a certified yoga instructor.

The Role of Community and Networking in Yoga Teacher Training Online

Community development is an often-overlooked part of online yoga teacher training. Regardless of physical distance, virtual spaces can build profound ties between students and professors. 

Participating in discussion forums, social media groups, and virtual meet-ups is essential. These platforms promote a sense of belonging. Students can contribute their perspectives, experiences, and challenges, which enriches their learning process. I’ve discovered that this collaboration can lead to valuable networking opportunities, allowing you to access resources or mentorships.

Furthermore, some online institutions make a conscious effort to foster community. They frequently do live Q&A sessions or social hangouts to establish personal contacts. This connection not only motivates but also holds you accountable for completing your coursework. It replicates the support structure found in conventional yoga studios, where students frequently encourage one another.

Additionally, communities may provide flexibility in learning. Group talks can generate new insights that improve comprehension. Regular check-ins with peers can help maintain excitement and engagement. These community-driven techniques set certain online schools apart from the rest, demonstrating that yoga is about connection, even through screens. Consider how you can seek or establish community during your journey, as it can considerably enhance your online experience.

Key Takeaways: How do I become a Certified Yoga Teacher Online?

Becoming a certified yoga teacher simply requires enrolling in a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training that covers the foundations of yoga as well as how to safely and effectively teach yoga to students. This process is easier than ever before with so many online yoga teacher training programs now available.

Doing your yoga teacher training online has a wide range of benefits for busy people who can’t attend a multi-week immersive yoga teaching experience. Most courses offer lifetime access to materials and a range of support systems to help you succeed as a yoga teacher.

Aspiring yoga teachers who are on a budget or a time crunch should consider getting their yoga teacher certification online so they can jump into teaching with fewer barriers to entry. Just don’t forget to thoroughly research the instructors, course reviews, and the offerings of a class. You don’t want to end up “teaching yourself” without the guidance of an experienced instructor to mentor you along the way.

We wish you the best of luck on your yoga teacher training journey.


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Online yoga teacher training courses offer lifetime access to course materials

A 500-hour yoga teacher training is the most basic certification available.

You must have previous teaching experience to enroll in an online yoga teacher training program.


How do I choose the best online yoga teacher training program?

Choosing the best online yoga teacher training program involves considering several factors:
1. Accreditation: Ensure the program is recognized by Yoga Alliance for its credibility.
2. Curriculum: Look for a comprehensive curriculum that covers essential topics like yoga philosophy, teaching methodology, and anatomy.
3. Format: Consider if you prefer live classes, pre-recorded sessions, or a mix of both.
4. Instructor Qualifications: Research the backgrounds of the yoga teachers leading the training.
5. Reviews and Testimonials: Check for feedback from past students to gauge the program’s effectiveness.
6. Support and Community: A strong support system and community can enhance your learning experience.
7. Price: Compare costs and see if the program offers value for the price.

What is the duration of a typical online yoga teacher training?

A typical online yoga teacher training program can vary in duration, but the most common is the 200-hour online yoga teacher training. This usually takes about 3-6 months to complete, depending on the school and your schedule. Some programs may offer accelerated options or extended timelines for those who need more flexibility.

What is the difference between a 200-hour and a 300-hour yoga teacher training?

A 200-hour yoga teacher training is typically the foundational course required to become a certified yoga instructor and register with Yoga Alliance. It covers the basics of yoga philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methods. In contrast, a 300-hour yoga teacher training builds upon this foundation, offering advanced techniques and deeper knowledge of specialized areas such as restorative yoga or therapeutic yoga. Completing both programs grants you a 500-hour certification, which is highly regarded in the field.

Can I complete my yoga teacher training online?

Yes, many schools now offer online yoga teacher training programs that allow you to complete your yoga instructor training from anywhere in the world. These programs often include video lectures, assignments, and virtual classes, making it possible to learn and practice yoga from the comfort of your own home. However, it’s crucial to ensure that the program is recognized by Yoga Alliance to receive your yoga teacher certification.

What are the benefits of online yoga teacher training?

Online yoga teacher training offers flexibility and convenience, allowing you to study at your own pace and on your own schedule. You can access resources from anywhere.

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About Logan Hailey

Logan Hailey is a writer, nomad, and 200RYT yoga teacher on a mission to help people live more vivacious, joyful lives aligned with nature. As she travels in her van conversion with her two dogs, she teaches about holistic health, herbalism, and personal development. Keep up with her adventures @naturallylogan on Instagram and TikTok. Follow me: Instagram | LinkedIn

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